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First Blog Post

October 3, 2022

Okay, this is my first blog post, I've finally decided to put my stuff up on Neocities for the time being. I've actually been working on this since late 2017, I had the idea of making a basic '90s-style website and practice my HTML and CSS skills. I do have nostalgia for the '90s and 2000s, and I sorta wanted to relive those eras.

I was waiting to at least make some kind of static site generator so I don't have to type out the HTML and I can put things like time stamps and categories. I'd stil be working on that but for now, I'll just handwrite them. I don't want to use a static site generator that already exists because I want it to have the features that I want plus it's a fun little programming exercize for me.

I prefer creating content this way instead of making videos for example because I feel like I can express myself much better in writing rather than by speaking. Also there's a much lower barrier to entry writing blogs than video creation.

You know it's funny, I always think of topics of what I want to write about in my head and think it out, but then my brain kinda freezes when I actually go about to type it out. Maybe it kinda depends on my mood, sometimes my anxiety causes me brainfog or maybe I just get distracted and my mind wonders. I'm also constantly tired.

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